
Bill Boorman has blown up the traditional conference and thrown away the rule book. His TRU events have become a global phenomena. TRU is now truly global with unconferences having taken place in the United Kingdom, Holland, America and most recently a couple of weeks ago in South Africa and attracted about 220 attendees. Topics are deconstructed and conversation goes where the discussion flows, which is sometimes onto a completely new topic. The focus is purely on the audience. The audience are active participants, there’s lots of discussion, debate, sharing of ideas and opinions, and getting off one’s seat and moving around.

The Recruiting Unconference (#truAustralia)  

The first ever #TruAustralia comes to Melbourne next Friday. To get more people to experience an UnConference and have more concurrent tracks running, Bill has dropped the Un-price to AU$150 +GST – which in my opinion is the best value for money professional development you can buy.

How would I know? Because I led a track at #TruLondon in February this year alongside online megastars Laurie Ruettimann and John Sumser. It was an incredible experience. I learnt more about the industry and the profession in those couple of days then I did in three years at university. The networking opportunities were the best I’ve experienced to date due to the nature of an UnConference and I’ve made life long friends from the experience plus did I mention the fact that I spoke at a conference in London!

There’s no powerpoint and no presenters, only track leaders. It’s worth attending #truAustralia just to see how amazing an UnConference can be. After attending one I assure you that every other conference you attend will never feel the same.